Pool > Lessons > Stages 1-9
Comprised of 9 distinct stages, children go from the use of swimming aids, to being able to confidently swim unaided. The stages are outlined in detail below:
The use of aids is permitted throughout this stage except 12, 13 + 14
- Enter the water safely showing a walk in, swivel and jump in entry
- Exit the water safely
- Show an understanding of pool rules
- Comfortable with face in the water and demonstrate the ability to blow bubbles
- Push and Glide on Front - Flat body position and face in the water
- Push and Glide on Back - Flat body position
- Star Float Front and Back - Flat body position for both
- Swim 10m on Front - flat body position and attempting face in the water
- Swim 10m on Back - flat body position
- Be Confident submerging under water
- Demonstrate Simultanioues leg action (Breaststroke)
- Travel 5m Forwards (feet on or off the floor) NO AIDS
- Travel 5m Backwards (feet on or off the floor) NO AIDS
- Travel 10m (feet on or off the floor) NO AIDS
NPTS Stage 2 - FROGS
The use of aids is permitted for numbers 1 - 6 ONLY the rest is Unaided
- 5m basic Breaststroke leg action
- 10m correct Frontcrawl leg action
- 10m correct Backstroke leg action
- Demonstrate Breaststroke arm action
- Demonstrate Frontcrawl arm action (overarm recovery)
- Demonstrate Backstroke arm action (overarm recovery)
- Push and Glide on front - flat body position and face in water
- Push and Glide on back - flat body position
- Star float front and back - flat body position for both
- Kick 10m on back - flat body position
- Swim 5m on front using arms and legs (attempting overarm recovery) and demonstrating the ability to breathe
- Swim on front - roll onto back unsupported and kick legs on back in flat body position
- Junp in unassisted
- Demonstrate number 10, 11, 12 +13 in the main pool
WITOUT THE USE OF AIDS unless specified
- Jump in and fully submerge - without assistance return to the wall
- From in the pool - fully submerge to collect an object from the bottom
- Swim 5m on front - unsupported roll onto back and swim 5m on back
- Swim 5m on back - unsupported roll onto front and swim 5m on front
- 10m Breaststroke leg action with aids
- 10m Frontcrawl leg kick demonstrating side breathing with aids
- Perform a tuck float for 5 seconds
- Demonstrate Dolphin leg action
- Swim 5m Basic Breaststroke with some breathing
- Swim 10m Basic Frontcrawl with some breathing
- Swim 10m Basic Backstroke
- Swim 5m choice stroke in deep water
- Perform a sequence of floats without any support
- Perform 3 different jumps into deep water and fully submerge
- Push and Glide from the pool wall towards the pool floor
- Push and Glide into a forward somersault
- Tread water - upright position with head above water - for 30 seconds
- 5m head first sculling - flat body position
- 5m Dolphin kick on front
- 5m Dolphin kick on back
- Swim 10m correct Breaststroke with correct breathing
- Swim 10m correct Frontcrawl with correct side breathing
- Swim 10m correct Backstroke
- Tread water in an upright position with head above water for 60 seconds
- Perform a forward somersault without the use of the wall
- Perform a handstand - vertical body position - hold for 5 seconds
- 10m head first sculling - flat body position
- 10m feet first sculling - flat body position
- 10m Dolphin Kick Front and Back
- Demonstrate Butterfly type simultaneous arm action
- Swim 15m Breaststroke - correct breathing and timing
- Swim 15m Frontcrawl correct stroke
- Swim 15m correct Backstroke
- Swim 25m choice stroke - correct stroke
- Perform a straddle jump into deep water in clothes
- Swim 10m in clothes, choice stroke - NO GOGGLES
- Tread water in clothes - vertical body position + head above water - 30 seconds
- Perform a shout and signal rescue
- Perform a head first surface dive
- Perform a feet first surface dive
- Perform a kneeling dive
- Push and Glide into 10m Butterfly - correct stroke
- Push and Glide into 25m Breaststroke - correct stroke and correct finish (2 hand touch)
- Push and Glide into 25m Frontcrawl - correct stroke
- Push and Glide into 25m Backstroke - correct stroke and correct finish (finish on back)
- Push and Glide into 50m choice stroke - correct stroke
- Perform a dive from a standing position - showing controlled flight and entry
- Demonstrate Egg Beater leg action and tread water using this for 30 seconds
- Complete an obstacle course without using the bottom of the pool or the wall
- Swim 10m on frint, perform a forward somersault and then continue swimming
- Push and Glide into 25m Butterfly showing overarm recovery and breathing
- Push and Glide into 50m Breaststroke - correct stroke and finish at each end (2 hand touch)
- Push and Glide into 50m Frontcrawl correct stroke
- Push and Glide into 50m Backstroke - finishing both lengths on back
- Push and Glide into 100m (4 lengths) continuously using one stroke (choice of stroke) correct stroke throughout
- Push and Glide into 200m (8 lengths) continuously using three strokes - correct strokes throughout
NPTS Stage 8 - Bronze
- Swim 200m/400m continuously using two recognised strokes to an efficiant standard
- Kick 50m Backstroke without a board in a streamlined position
- Kick 50m Breastroke with/without using a board
- Kick 50m Frontcrawl with/without using a board
- Kick 25m Butterfly without using a board
- Push and Streamline, underwater kick, 100m Frontcrawl including a tuble turn
- Push and Streamline, underwater kick, 100m Backstroke include Backstroke turn
- Push and Streamline, including pull down sequence to breakout, swim 50m Breastroke with correct finish
- Push and Streamline to underwater undualation, swim 25m Butterfly
- 8 x 50m Frontcrawl and own choice using pace clock
- Track start into all strokes
- 6 x 100m including Front crawl and own choice using pace clock
NPTS Stage 9 - Silver
- 400m Front crawl, efficient start, swim, turns, transitions and finish
- 200m Bacstroke, efficient start, swim, turns, transitions and finish
- 200m Breastroke, efficient start, swim, turns, transitions and finish
- 50m Butterfly, efficient start, swim, turns, transistions and finish
- 100m IM Kick
- Sets of 50m kick with/without board, all strokes using pace clock
- 100m IM efficient start, swim, correct transitions to each stroke
- Track start to correct underwater sequence and breakout
- Frontcrawl drills
- Backstroke drills
- Breastroke drills
- Butterfly drills
- 16 x 50m - mix of all strokes using pace clock
- 8 x 100m IM using pace clock